A Model Question Paper for Plus One English Public Examination September 2021



Time: 21/2 hrs        Cool off time: 20 Minutes        Maximum: 80 Scores

Part I


General Instructions to Candidates:

  • 20 Minutes is given as cool-off time
  • Use the Cool-off time to read the questions and plan your answers
  • Attempt the questions according to the instructions
  • Keep in mind, the score and time while answering the questions
  • The maximum score for questions from 1 to 40 will be 80 

Answer the following questions from 1 to 40 up to a maximum score of 80

Read the excerpt from 'And then Gandhi Came' and answer the questions that follow.

"And then Gandhi came. He was like a powerful current of fresh air that made us stretch ourselves and take deep breaths; like a beam of light that pierced the darkness and removed the scales from our eyes; like a whirlwind that upset many things, but most of all the working of people's minds. He did not descend from the top; he seemed to emerge from the millions of India, speaking their language. " [Score: 4x1=4]

1.  Who is the author?

2.  What did Gandhi upset the most ?

3.  What figure of speech is used in the second sentence?

4.  Why were the ordinary Indians able to connect with Gandhi, better than most other leaders?

Fill in the following sentences choosing the right word given below.

[Similarly, Subsequently, Whereas] [Score: 2x1=2]

5.  He met with an accident in 2019 and ____ resigned from his job.

6.  Plant cells have chloroplasts ____ animal cells don't.

Use appropriate forms of the words given in the brackets to fill the blanks. [Score: 2x1=2]

7.  The direct and indirect impacts of disasters, either natural or industrial, ____ (be) always damage, destruction and death.  When disaster ____ (strike) the lifeline support systems are damaged.

8.  Report the following conversation between Maggie and Mr Gupta. [Score: 4]

'Are you leaving today?' she asked.

'Yes Maggie, today is the day of my departure.'

'How long will it take you to reach your country?'

'A little more than two weeks.'

9.  Identify the errors and edit appropriately. [Score: 4]

Young and inexperienced in my profession, I was not learned to control my feelings.  My expression must have alters visibly, for although the serang says nothing, his lined and battering face assumed a look of deeper gravity.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Qn 10-13) [Score: 4x1=4]

From the global experience so far, the broad principle is that if an effective vaccine is available, it must be administered irrespective of age. However, it is also true that the vaccines are far more effective at protecting from disease than infection. Because children and adults respond to the virus differently, it still remains to be seen whether vaccinating children as a pre-requisite to opening schools actually brings down overall rates of infection. Countries that have vaccinated those above 12 and have fully opened up are also those boasting high rates of adult vaccination. Government and independent experts have advised that schools can open in a staggered fashion. There is also the worry that prioritising vaccines for children would mean diverting already limited stocks. Rather than blindly emulate the West, India must decide on what policy works best for its entire population, including children. 

10.  Find out the word from the passage which means "required as a prior condition."

11.  What do we learn from the global experience about administration of vaccines?

12.  What is the advice of experts about opening of schools?

13.  Identify a cohesive device used in the paragraph

14.  Write a precis based on the paragraph given above reducing it to one third of its length. [Score: 3]

 Answer in one or two sentences.  Each carries 2 scores (Qn 15 to 18) [4x2=8]

15.  "The women of Namuana village still preserve a very strange ritual."  What is the ritual?

16.  Identify the figure of speech in the lines

"Sceptre and Crown

Must tumble down"

17.  When did Mr Gupta realise that superstition was not confined to India?

18.  What was the two-fold action involved in Gandhiji's exhortation.

Answer in two or three sentences.  Each carries 4 scores (Qn 19 to 21) [3x4=12]

19.   Rudyard Kipling says that we should treat triumph and disaster just the same.  Write your opinion about how students should deal with successes and failures in their lives.

20.   Stephen Hawking was able to overcome his crippling disease and become the 'supernova' of world physics.  What inspiration can you draw from the life of Hawking?

21.  Dr Kalam says that you should not try to be like someone else.  Do you agree?  Write your opinion.

Answer in about 80 words  Each carries 5 scores (Qn 22 to 26) [5x5=25]

22.  Rewrite the story His First Flight in the point of view of the young seagull.

23.  Prepare a profile of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam based on the given hints.

    Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

    15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015

    Born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu

    Scientist and Science Administrator at DRDO and ISRO

    Involved in Indian missile development efforts

    Played important role in Pokhran II nuclear tests

    Elected 11th president of India in 2002

    Inspired millions of youngsters through his speeches

    Collapsed and died while delivering a lecture at IIM Shillong

24.  Write a paragraph on the significance of the title of the story "Price of Flowers"

25.  Teachers and parents sometimes compare students with the top scorers in class.  This leads to unhealthy competition in academic and co-curricular areas.  Write a letter to the editor of a news paper about this in the context of the speech 'I Will Fly' by Dr Kalam.

26.  Write an article for your school magazine about the misuse of cyberspace.

Answer in about 120 words.   Each carries 6 scores. (Qn 27- 36) [10x6=60]

27.  Prepare a travel essay based on your experiences while travelling to a tourist destination.

28.  Prepare a character sketch of Hasan.

29. 'His First Flight' can be read as a story that highlights the importance of self confidence and the role of parents in bringing up children to be successful. Prepare a review of the story.

30.   Mrs Jope Smith comes to know about the character of Hasan and feels sorry for her prejudiced remarks about him.  Imagine that she writes an email to Hasan.  Prepare the email.

31.  Draft a news paper report about the sinking of the Titanic.

32.  In 'The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu' we hear about women facing atrocities in the ancient legend.  Even today women are facing various kinds of harassments. Prepare a blog post about the social issues faced by women in our society today.

33.  Narrate a local legend or a ritual associated with a legend in your area.

34.  Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay presents a touching story "The Price of Flowers" through the detailed portrayal of the main character Maggie.  Attempt a character sketch of Maggie.

35.  Imagine that Mr Gupta writes a letter to Maggie after visiting the grave of Frank.  Prepare the letter.

36. Jawaharlal Nehru writes about Gandhi's dream about the future of India.  What is your dream about the future India?  Prepare a social media post.

Answer in about  180 words.  Each carries 8 scores. (Qn 33 - 37) [4x8=32]

37.  The dedicated service of the front-line workers during the pandemic is comparable to the selfless service of Hasan during the epidemic outbreak on Ranaganji. Prepare an editorial for a newspaper about the role of the healthcare and frontline workers during the pandemic.

38.  Prepare an article for the school magazine about the relevance of Gandhian ideas in the modern times.

39.  The director of the shipping company arranges a meeting to honor Hasan for his selfless service.  Dr A J Cronin makes speech felicitating him.  Prepare the speech.

40. Write an appreciation of the poem given below.

The Mower

Philip Larkin

The mower stalled, twice; kneeling, I found
A hedgehog jammed up against the blades,
Killed. It had been in the long grass.

I had seen it before, and even fed it, once.
Now I had mauled its unobtrusive world
Unmendably. Burial was no help:

Next morning I got up and it did not.
The first day after a death, the new absence
Is always the same; we should be careful

Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time.

[mower - a machine used for cutting grass

stall - stop

hedgehog - a small animal]


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