Significance of man-made walls in the context of 'Mending Wall'

In Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall," the narrator reflects on the purpose and function of the man-made wall that separates his property from his neighbor's. The wall serves as a physical barrier, separating the two properties and marking the boundary between them. However, the narrator questions the need for the wall, noting that there is no real reason for it to exist other than tradition and the desire to maintain a clear separation between the properties. Throughout the poem, the narrator suggests that the wall is not only unnecessary, but also harmful, as it creates a sense of division and isolation between the two neighbors. He also implies that the wall is a metaphor for the other barriers that people create in their lives, both physically and emotionally, which prevent them from connecting with others and understanding each other. The wall in the poem serves as a symbol of the human tendency to build barriers, both literal and figurative, in order to separate ourselves from others.

2022 March




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