Abe's First Speech - Assignment

Unit 1

What are your views on greatness?  What role can others play in a person's success?  Write in a paragraph.

 "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."  This is a quote from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.  Great people, in the sense of being successful, have certain qualities that actually make them great.  Hard work and perseverance are just a few of them.  But they may also face a number of impediments on their path to success. In their moments of self doubt or de motivation, we see the encouraging presence of some other people in their lives.  These people have actually motivated and supported them without which they would not be able  to achieve their greatness in its full glory.  Behind Abraham Lincoln who later became a famous orator there was Dennis Hanks.  Behind Helen Keller there was an Ann Sullivan.  Like that we can also achieve success with the blessings and support of others like our parents, teachers and friends.  In turn, we should also be able to motivate and encourage others.

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